During the Ham Fair in Tokyo (August 2024) Yaesu introduced the
FTX-1F, successor of the FT-818ND QRP transceiver.
A number of fundamental and remarkable features of the new FTX-1F:
- SDR technology
- 3DSS on a 4.3-inch high-resolution full-color touch display panel
- SSB, CW, AM, FM and C4FM digital modes
- Output 6 W with 5670 mAh high-capacity Li-Ion battery pack
- Output 10 W when using an external DC power supply
- Two independent receiver circuits provide true simultaneous dual-band operation, whether in the same band or in different bands
- Two loud speakers ensure clear and powerful audio output
- An optional Automatic Antenna Tuner can be attached to the rear of the transceiver with the 5670 mAh battery pack.
More detailed information will follow as soon as available.
This new Yaesu FTX-1F will be available early 2025. Price not yet known.
Download the information sheet with a complete preliminary overview of the new features.
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